From October 2. 2011 to January 8. 2012 Museum de Fundatie in Zwolle presents the exhibition More Light. The starting point for this exhibition is a painting by William Turner that is part of the museum collection. This canvas of a shimmering sky above a rough sea was the occasion to examine to what extent the sublime, which found its first peak with romantic artists like Turner and Caspar David Friedrich, is still applicable to contemporary art.
More Light was curated by writer and art critic Hans den Hartog Jager and showed work by Bas Jan Ader (NL), Miroslaw Balka (PL), Ann Böttcher (SE), Vija Celmins (US), David Claerbout (BE), Tacita Dean (GB), Olafur Eliasson (DK/IS), Spencer Finch (US), Ragnar Kjartansson (IS), Gert Jan Kocken (NL), Wolfgang Laib (DE), Raquel Maulwurf (NL), Erik Odijk (NL), Katie Paterson (GB), Derk Thijs (NL), Wolfgang Tillmans (DE), William Turner (GB), Roy Villevoye (NL) and Guido van der Werve (NL).